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Doing Business in Sierra Leone: Graeme Hossie at London Mining (A) and (B) - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Brian C. Pinkham; Ken Mark;
出版日期:2023/02/23內容長度:8 頁

Teaching note for products 9B16M228 and 9B16M229.

Spitzberg Elevators Corporation: Responding to Antitrust Legislation - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Brian C. Pinkham; Ken Mark;
出版日期:2017/11/23內容長度:5 頁

Teaching note for product 9B17M172.

Spitzberg Elevators Corporation: Responding to Antitrust Legislation
作者姓名:Brian C. Pinkham; Ken Mark;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B17M172
出版日期:2017/11/23內容長度:6 頁

In April 2015, a legal associate at Spitzberg Elevators Corporation, a U.S. corporation operating in Hong Kong, was tasked with recommending how the company should respond to Hong Kong’s new anti-competition legislation, which was scheduled to be enacted within eight months. The legal associate first needed to review the legislation, specifically the key portions that could have an impact on her company's imminent plans to bid on several elevator .....more

Doing Business in Sierra Leone: Graeme Hossie at London Mining (A)
作者姓名:Brian C. Pinkham; Ken Mark;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B16M228
出版日期:2017/02/23內容長度:6 頁

In 2008, Graeme Hossie, co-founder and chief executive officer of London Mining, an iron-ore mining firm, was preparing to assist the London Mining team in its negotiations for a project in Sierra Leone. Hossie was to meet with representatives from the government of Sierra Leone, a local city mayor, and landowners to acquire a property that included an old iron-ore mine. The mine was a potentially high-grade iron-ore mine that would be lucrative for .....more

Doing Business in Sierra Leone: Graeme Hossie at London Mining (B)
作者姓名:Brian C. Pinkham; Ken Mark;
出版日期:2017/02/23內容長度:3 頁

Supplement for product 9B16M228.